Tell a Friend Reward Club
The ultimate test of a job well done, is whether you are comfortable referring our services to a friend, neighbor or relative. If we’ve done a great job, we would really appreciate it if you would recommend us. We’ve discovered that our loyal customers have saved us thousands of dollars every year in advertising costs when they refer us. So as our appreciation, we are returning those savings back to you. Word of mouth and your satisfaction is our success!
Here's how it works:
When someone you refer uses our services – Once the initial job is completed they can start to Earn & Refer right away! You can get credit automatically to your upcoming service or to the future service or we’ll send you a cash reward, It’s your choice! There’s NO limit on the number of referrals! Thank you for helping us!
FAQ: When will I get my check? The marketing team reviews all Refer-A-Friend forms once a month. We verify that all terms are met and your referral's installation has occurred within the 30-day form submittal window. We then get a check cut and dropped in the mail to the address indicated on the account. If you submitted on the 15th and we reconciled the referrals on the 14th then your referral will be verified approximately one month from submittal. Then add check processing and mail delivery time. The longest wait period should be no more than 2 months from day of the referral form being submitted. Any questions? Contact us at